Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Hosea, Chapter 13

1 He exalted himself in Israel,
But through Baal heb Or became guiltydid wrong and died.
2 When Ephraima Or spoke with tremblingspoke, there was trembling.
 2 And now they sin more and more,
And make for themselves molten images,
Idolsc Or according to their own understandingskillfully made from their silver,
All of them the work of craftsmen.
They say of them, “Let thed Lit sacrificers of or, (among) mankindmen who sacrifice kiss the calves!”
 3 Therefore they will be like the morning cloud
And like dew whiche Lit goes away earlysoon disappears,
Like chaff which is blown away from the threshing floor
And like smoke from af Lit windowchimney.
 4 Yet I have been the LORD your God
Since the land of Egypt;
And you were not to know any god except Me,
For there is no savior besides Me.
 5 Ig Or knewcared for you in the wilderness,
In the land of drought.
 6 As they had their pasture, they became satisfied,
And being satisfied, their heart became proud;
Therefore they forgot Me.
 7 So I will be like a lion to them;
Like a leopard I willh Or watchlie in wait by the wayside.
 8 I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs,
And I will tear openi Lit the enclosure of their hearttheir chests;
There I will also devour them like a lioness,
As a wild beast would tear them.
 9 It is your destruction, O Israel,
j Or But in Me is your helpThat you are against Me, against your help.
 10 Where now is your king
That he may save you in all your cities,
And your judges of whom youk Lit saidrequested,
“Give me a king and princes”?
 11 I gave you a king in My anger
And took him away in My wrath.
 12 The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up;
His sin is stored up.
 13 The pains of childbirth come upon him;
He is not a wise son,
Forl Lit it is the time that he should not tarry at the breaking forth of childrenit is not the time that he should delay at the opening of the womb.
 14 Shall I ransom them from them Lit handpower of Sheol?
Shall I redeem them from death?
O Death, where are your thorns?
O Sheol, where is your sting?
Compassion will be hidden from My sight.
 15 Though he flourishes among then Or brothersreeds,
An east wind will come,
The wind of the LORD coming up from the wilderness;
And his fountain will become dry
And his spring will be dried up;
It will plunder his treasury of every precious article.
 16 o Ch 14:1 in HebSamaria will be held guilty,
For she has rebelled against her God.
They will fall by the sword,
Their little ones will be dashed in pieces,
And their pregnant women will be ripped open.

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