Toute la Bible
New American Standard Bible (en)

Luke, Chapter 11,  verses 17-22

17 But He knew their thoughts and said to them, “o Lit everyAny kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided againstp Lit a houseitself falls. 18 If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. 19 And if I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? So they will be your judges. 20 But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21 Whenq Lit thea strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions arer Lit in peaceundisturbed. 22 But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.
Lire plus:Luke, Chapter 11

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