
Main news for 19 August 2018

There is such a concept as "the moment of truth ". It is such an instant, when the veil falls from our eyes, and we suddenly see anything how it is in reality. It isn't always a pleasant instant, but blessed is the one who experienced it, for he will then always look at this genuineness, and will never accept any deceit.

The "sensible" robber (as they used to call him in the Legend) goes through the moment of truth before the death on the cross. Feeling terrible torments of pain and suffocation, he looks at Jesus who also suffers, naked, tortured, covered with blood, dying, - and sees in Him a King and Lord! Moreover not as an ex-king, who is losing His Kingdom and perishing, but as a King to come, entering in the plenitude of power. It is an astounding recovering of sight, appropriation of faith, opening the Truth. That is why Jesus answers him that already this very day he enters paradise, in that abundant life that God reserved for every believer in Him and in the Son sent by Him. In fact, the main difference between Christianity and Christians is that we become all disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, when by heart we comprehend the glory of His Kingdom through His Cross.

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