
Main news for 25 September 2021

Sometimes when reading the Bible one can think that God makes His decisions in the same way as men do: at first conceives to punish a man or the whole people, and then sometimes, under circumstances, regrets and changes His mind, changing His decision. When it concerns men, there is nothing surprising in such an algorithm of decision-making: man may not know something, or overestimate some facts, or simply recognize his error and change the wrong decision with the one which seems now correct for him. But in fact, God is not a man!

Then what is the problem? What may He not consider, when making the decision? Is there anything which can oblige Him to change His mind? Perhaps, only one thing: the decisions of people. It can look improbable, but, it seems that it is so: God can change some of His decisions according to the choice made by any person or a whole people.

Indeed, He really gave us freedom and threats it very seriously. And if we ask Him for something with all our heart, even if it is about the forgiveness of sins committed by us, He will not leave it without attention. Well then in His decisions any changes are possible. Because He does not want the sinners to perish because of their sins, His task is not to punish, but to save.

He can sometimes leave to one person or to whole people their fate, if they do not want to see Him and to admit Him in their life: indeed, as is known, forcibly you will not love. But, as we see, a single conversion and a single repentance is sufficient so that He intervenes again. Well then the disaster which overhung the people can disappear, like the smoke. And the people receive the chance to salvation and new life.

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