
Main news for 28 April 2024

In the context of the epistle to Romans, Apostle Paul answers by this sentence to the question to know how God could allow the Jews to refuse to accept Him. But everyone, who reads attentively the words of the apostle, the words knock out from under any foundation for the judgments of people. Suddenly it turns out that it is completely impossible to condemn whoever can be, because the one who condemns is also concluded in unbelief, just as the one he wants to condemn.

And there is another important aspect in the words of the apostle. We conceive instinctively the history of the world as being a certain process of natural selection, separating the good from the bad, sheep from the billy goats. That’s how our history schoolbooks are written.

That’s how we consider peoples and social groups. That’s how we consider ourselves and our neighbors. It seems to us that people live, trying to make a way somewhere, where only deserving particulars are admitted. There are sheep, and billy goats wish not to push through anywhere, but just burn the candle at both ends... But it is not like that at all.

All have gone out the way, each on his road. From the point of view of the growth to greatness, the history of the world from the beginning turned out to be unsuccessful. And that’s why, as a healing balm on the wound, mercy spreads at once on all humanity. That’s why it is impossible to measure, how much "you grow on yourself ", by looking, how low have fallen the neighbors.

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